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5 Questions an Employer Should Ask Their Employees To Increase Retention

One of the phenomena of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the rise in the number of workers that have been quitting their existing jobs in search for other opportunities. Business owners know that retaining a current employee is a more productive and cost-efficient option than finding and training a new employee. Often times, though, employers do not know why the employee leaves because they either do not ask why or ask too late, like after they have already tendered their resignation. There are 5 questions an employer should ask each of their employees so as to increase the chance of the employee staying.

1)     How would you like to grow within this organization/company?

Research shows that two-thirds of people, regardless of their level, leave their company due to a lack of career-development opportunities. It is essential that, as the employer, you determine what growth opportunities that each employee needs and develop a plan to coach, mentor, sponsor or challenge them to these possibilities.


2)     Do you feel a sense of purpose in your job?

Employees want to feel that their work impacts others. Owners/managers can play a meaningful role assisting employees in seeing how their role in the company contributes to the organization’s bigger picture. They must also show how the company’s big picture taps into what is purposeful for the employee about their job and how that connects totheir own personal values.


3)     What do you need from me to do your best work?

The most effective managers respect and care about their employees by knowing them as individuals, acknowledging their achievements, having performance conversations, and conducting formal reviews. These supportive behaviors build a work environment where employees feel safe experimenting with new ideas, sharing information, exploring development opportunities, and supporting each other.


4)     What are we currently not doing as a company that you feel we should do?

The best managers let workers know that their opinions count by promoting open dialogue and providing honest feedback on employees’ opinions and suggestions, supporting good ideas and addressing unfeasible ones. By asking individual team members what they feel the company could be doing better, what market opportunities the organization might be overlooking, and how to leverage company resources more effectively, you’re validating that their thoughts matter.


5)     Do you have the opportunity to do what you do best every day?

To determine whether your employees are focusing on their strengths, you might also ask, “What is the best part of your job? Which of your talents are you not using in your current role? What part of your job would you eliminate if you could?”

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